Direct Mail, when done correctly, is still one of the most effective marketing channels but no longer can you stick a stamp on a post card and expect your audience to respond. The keys to direct mail in the web 2.0 era are audience segmentation, relevance and personalization.
Bad data will bring every direct mail campaign to its ruin. What do you know about your market? How reliable is your data? Are you using an in-house list or an outsourced list? Do the people who you are targeting know your brand?
These are all very important questions to consider before embarking on your marketing campaign. The answer to each question will dictate the mailing’s strategy. The two types of lists that generally get the best results are clean in-house lists or a highly-targeted acquired list. (To learn more about Prisma Graphic’s data services please contact
Now that we have the best list for your campaign, a relevant mailer will dramatically increase your desired results. Think about it, have you ever received a mailer that had no significance to you at all? Why would you respond? The data tells us everything. Data dictates what images, messages and offers for which your audience will best respond. If you can apply some strategy to your direct mail campaign and also design the mailer within these constraints you’re in great shape.
Everyone likes to see their name in print. It’s a marketing fundamental, it’s a truth of life – so why not put it to work for your campaign. Variable data printing makes any printed piece highly personalized. One-to-one marketing speaks to your audience on an individual basis and increases the marketing campaign’s relevance. Avoid underestimating the power of personalization and always personalize with the strategy in mind. (Let Prisma Graphic assist you in implementing direct mail personalization best practices. Please contact us at
Stephen Covey always wrote about beginning with the end in mind, the same is true with direct marketing. (Click for a list of  Covey’s Seven Habits Of Highly Effective People.) What do you want your audience to do after the direct mailer is received and read? Do you want them to call for more information? Respond to an offer? After you determine your desired outcome you can then craft a strong call to action statement to provide next steps.
It’s important to test your list, strategy, creative and offers. If your campaign calls for 10,000 pieces, for example, try sending out a pilot of approximately 10% of the full run. How does the campaign resonate with your audience. If you can quantify the preliminary results, you can better predict the overall success and ROI of the full campaign. This is also your opportunity to review the strategy and creative to refine if necessary.
Prisma Graphic specializes in Direct Mail Fulfillment and Database Marketing. If you have any questions please call us at 602 243-5777 or contact us via email at and one of our marketing professionals will be glad to help you through the planning, strategy, production and fulfillment process.
[Prisma Graphic is a full-service, marketing solutions provider with an emphasis in commercial printing that specializes in online marketing supply chain management. Utilizing cutting-edge technology and a commitment to customer service, we partner with clients to develop cost-effective programs that execute integrated brand campaigns and highly-targeted business communications. Our ongoing evolution is to deliver sales opportunities at the lowest possible cost.]